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[ emptiness. chaos. calmness. ragnarök. ]
chapter O1:
there was nothing initially. only the abyss. on both sides of the dark, impenetrable abyss stretched two kingdoms. one filled with cold and covered with ice, and the other burned so brightly and it was hot there because of the fire that only majestic giants could live there. one day, water poured out of a great spring, which immediately froze due to the cold of niflheim.
the ice grew and reached musspelsheim, where sparks mixed with ice, and Ymir appeared, changing everything and everyone.
chapter O2:
Buri appeared later, and then his son, bor, from ymir's daughter was born.
the sons of bor decided that the giant, ymir, was dangerous, and therefore killed him.
and the world arose from his flesh, and the first people were created from ash and alder.
— ‘‘ victim ‚‚