The Flight Of Sleipnir / Album V. [2014]

  • Подписчики: 101 подписчиков
  • ID: 21393186
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A musical interpretation of the writings of poets long since gone. ********** The Flight of Sleipnir was formed in the winter of 2007 by David Csicsely and Clayton Cushman. The project stemmed from a desire to explore ethereal and progressive sounds with lyrics that explore the rich literature of ancient Scandinavia. Keeping elements of their other projects and building a foundation upon doom and vintage metal, they released the demo "Wisdom Calls For Sacrifice" in 2008. After the release, a debut live appearance took place on the winter's solstice, which has since become an annual occasion. Immediately after the performance, the duo started forging their debut album "Algiz + Berkanan," a concept record exploring the secrets of the aforementioned runes which has since then been officially released on No Colours Records. In 2010 group The Flight Of Sleipnir had a new album under the name "Lore". ********** Sleip∙nir -(slāp'nir) Odin's eight-legged steed, and the greatest of all horses. The off spring of Loki and the gray stallion Svadilfari, Sleipnir, the swiftest on the earth could bear Odin over sea, through the air, and to and from the land of the dead. ********** THE FLIGHT OF SLEIPNIR ARE: Clayton Cushman And David Csicsely ********** Members: Additional Partners in Crime: Peter Slivkanch - Live Guitar / Backing Vocals Dave Borrusch - Live Bass Justin Siegler - Live Guitar