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J-pop — An integral part of Japanese pop culture. It has got everywhere: in business, trade, cinema, teleshow and dramatized programmes, video games and an anime. Many television programs use J-pop in a caption. Rhythm J-pop is frequently very fast that does its difficult for understanding of some people. In an anime and television shows, for example Dorama, the initial and finishing musical theme changes four times a year. The majority of programs have to eight opening and finishing themes for a season.
J-Rock (ジェイロック?) - the generalizing name for the directions of a rock music extended in Japan. It is often confused with Visual kei that is incorrect, as the second is a subgenre of the first. It is often used for a designation of all directions of fate in Japan as a whole, but sometimes designations J-metal, J-punk and J-ska for Japanese groups of the given directions also are popular